Recap: Welcome New HASTAC Scholars


A summary of the Orientation Event for 2022-2024 cohort of HASTAC Scholars on February 3, 2023. This includes 1) sign up information for HASTAC Scholars Spring 2023 programs and 2) brief tutorials on registering and participating on HASTAC Commons.

Greetings HASTAC Scholars – 

It was great to see so many new faces at the Welcome Event last Friday. In this email, you will find:

  1. A recap of the February 3rd welcome event
  2. Sign up information for HASTAC Scholars Spring 2023 programs 
  3. Reminders and announcements

Event Recap

Around 65 HASTAC Scholars from across the U.S. and around the world were in attendance. The 2022-2024 cohort of HASTAC Scholars is one of our largest in recent memory, and our first cohort hosted on the Humanities Commons network. 

At the welcome meeting, HASTAC Scholars co-directors Shaun Lin and Hilary Wilson gave overviews of HASTAC and HASTAC Scholars programs including: Digital Fridays, Collaborative Book Review, and HASTAC Scholars Spotlight. Larisa Babak and Zoe Wake Hyde, from Humanities Commons (HCommons), discussed the importance of digital presence and how scholars can get the most out of the HCommons, including brief tutorials on: 1) how to create and build out your profile, 2) how to write a blog post, 3) join the HASTAC Scholars group, and 4) how to make a core deposit

We discussed the 2023 HASTAC conference, which will feature sessions on creative and design-based approaches to technology and education, particularly around issues of social justice and allied movements of design justice, data justice and data feminism, algorithmic accountability, (digital) literacies, open knowledge, and accessibility in all its forms. The keynote speaker will be scholar and activist Sasha Costanza-Chock, author of Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need. The conference will be hosted at Pratt Institute in NYC from June 8–10, 2023. The conference is planned as an in-person experience, with some opportunities for online participation.

The full recording of the event is here, and can be accessed anytime by visiting the HASTAC Team YouTube channel here.

A few next steps for new HASTAC Scholars:

  1. Create a HASTAC Commons profile and Join the HASTAC Scholars group
  1. Sign up for HASTAC SCholars Spring 2023 programs
  • HASTAC Scholars programs include: Digital Fridays, Collaborative Book Review, HASTAC Scholar Spotlight, and 2023 HASTAC Conference
  • Sign-up form here
  • Deadline to sign-up: Friday, February 24
  1. Follow HASTAC and HASTAC Scholars

If you have need assistance with registering your HCommons profile, joining the HASTAC Scholars Group, or have any general questions or concerns about HASTAC Scholars programming, feel free to reach out directly to HASTAC Scholars co-directors Shaun Lin and Hilary Wilson at

One response to “Recap: Welcome New HASTAC Scholars”

  1. This is fantastic! I look forward to learning more about the new cohort of HASTAC Scholars.