• Conclusion: Building a University Worth Fighting For

    Conclusion: Building a University Worth Fighting For

    The conclusion and afterword of Dr. Katina Rogers’ Putting the Humanities To Work fundamentally challenges the pessimistic notion that the academy as we know it is unchangeable, or that those involved with universities by employment or education are unable to change them.  The notion that “a university worth fighting for” is not an impossible dream […]

  • Chapter 1 – The Academic Workforce: Expectations and Realities

    Book title: Putting the Humanities PhD to Work Toward the end of my first year as a PhD student, I unexpectedly had the opportunity to step in as the lecturer for a course partway into the semester. The week that my role switched from TA to instructor, several students stopped beginning their emails to me […]

  • Conclusion: Building a University Worth Fighting For

    Conclusion: Building a University Worth Fighting For

    Throughout Putting the Humanities Ph.D. To Work, Katina Rogers considers two organizing questions which form the backbone of her book: How might a broader understanding of postgraduate success improve the humanities as interconnected fields, and how can we think beyond existing institutional structures in challenging “default” careers for postgraduate humanities PhD students? (14-15). Rogers embarks […]

  • Chapter 5 – Students: How to Put Your PhD to Work

    Book Title: Putting the Humanities PhD to work In chapter five, Rogers examines the specific ways of putting the humanities PhD to work. She focuses this intervention on not only the students but also those in positions to make institutional decisions, such as faculty members and university administrators. Rogers, in this chapter, offers practical suggestions […]

  • Canceled: HASTAC Conference at UT Dallas

    Note from the HASTAC Team: Unfortunately, the HASTAC conference originally planned for Fall 2020 at the University of Texas at Dallas has been cancelled. ATEC Dean and HASTAC Executive Board Member Anne Balsamo would like to share the letter below with HASTAC members. Please join us in thanking Dean Balsamo, along with Kim Knight and […]

  • When Experts Ask the Wrong Questions

    When Experts Ask the Wrong Questions

    I was boycotting the news for a couple of days. I am teaching virtually and on screen more than 40 hours a week. Watching the news was totally bringing me down. I need to stay upbeat. I need to be cheerful and engaging for my students. I need a break from the talking heads. Yet, […]

  • Should White Scholars Write about Indigenous Populations?

    I wanted this paper to be on the exploration of neoliberal poverty management of Indigenous Hawaiians in Hawaii for a graduate class I was taking on post-colonial feminism. It was suggested to me that as a white person, perhaps it was not my place to write about the Indigenous Hawaiian experience. Initially defensive, I wanted […]

  • International library leaders explore the purpose and future of libraries

    International library leaders explore the purpose and future of libraries

    Facet Publishing announces the publication of Bold Minds: Library leadership in a time of disruption edited by Margaret Weaver and Leo Appleton. Are librarians and libraries relevant in the 21st century? This is a fundamental question and one that presents differing opinions across the many diverse information sectors. If there is a continuing need for […]

  • New book explores the social, institutional and user impacts of e-legal deposit

    New book explores the social, institutional and user impacts of e-legal deposit

    Facet Publishing announce the publication of Electronic Legal Deposit: Shaping the Library Collections of the Future, edited by Paul Gooding and Melissa Terras   Legal deposit libraries, the national and academic institutions who systematically preserve our written cultural record, have recently been mandated with expanding their collection practices to include digitised and born-digital materials. Although […]

  • What does the City of Newark have to offer?

    What does the City of Newark have to offer?

    http://archive.pov.org/streetfight/newark-a-brief-history/ Newark, New Jersey’s largest city and industrial area is where I reside and would like to talk about today. Newark’s population since founded in 1666, has dropped dramatically since the 2000s due to 31% of its population living in the poverty line and unemployment rate which was 12%. Also, 15% of teenagers between the […]