Category: Schools

  • Berkman Klein Center Call for Applications: 2024-2025 BKC Fellowship

    The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University has opened our call for applications for our flagship fellowship program for the 2024-2025 year! This opportunity is for people who wish to spend 2024-2025 in residence in Cambridge, MA, as part of the Center’s vibrant community of research and practice, and who seek […]

  • 2023 Collaborative Book Review: Interview with Cathy N. Davidson and Christina Katopodis, authors of ‘The New College Classroom’ (2022)

    This year, HASTAC Scholars Nanditha Krishna, Britt Munro, Sidney A. Turner, Waleska Solorzano, and Matthew Taitano interviewed HASTAC Co-Founder Cathy Davidson and Christina Katopodis of the CUNY Graduate Center, authors of The New College Classroom. Britt Munro: I love the down-to-earth way you approach the realities of college teaching, and in particular your approach to ‘failure’- when things don’t go as planned- as potentially generative […]

  • Thank you, Pratt Institute! Thank you, HASTAC Community! HASTAC2023 is a wrap.

    Thank you, Pratt Institute! Thank you, HASTAC Community! HASTAC2023 is a wrap.

    Monday morning. 500+ HASTAC’ers have left the gorgeous Pratt Institute campus, home of HASTAC2023, “Critical Making and Social Justice.” I hope that the organizer of all of this, Chris Alen Sula, leader of the wonderful Pratt team, is sleeping in today, happy that it all went so well, all the panels, speakers, art installations, demonstrations, […]

  • Cotton Candy, Magic, and Making Space

    Cotton Candy, Magic, and Making Space

    How can we better include voices, perspectives, and practitioners that are not regularly recognized or celebrated? What is possible when we prioritize care and love in spaces where this is not traditionally explored? And what happens when we make cotton candy in an academic library? NC State University‘s Making Space Event Series, based in the […]

  • Project launch: Next-Generation Dissertations Website

    Project launch: Next-Generation Dissertations Website

    I’m excited to share this news with the HASTAC community: Next-Generation Dissertations, a project I’ve been working on with The Graduate School at Syracuse University, is now live. Many thanks to the NEH for making this project possible through their Next Gen PhD grants. I worked on this with Chris Flanagan and Glenn Wright at […]

  • Frames

    Frames by Bri Alexander Frozen in framing your messages convene conveying a meaning that’s not necessarily what you mean. But intentions don’t live here, here in the frame, and how that affects us is not always the same. — It’s not simply a symptom of “oh, you misunderstood,” a misinterpretation, a “read it again, if […]

  • New book helps school librarians to harness the power of game-based learning

    New book helps school librarians to harness the power of game-based learning

    Facet Publishing announce the publication of Playing Games in the School Library by Sarah Pavey At a time when even the youngest of children are digitally savvy multitaskers with short attention spans, Playing Games in the School Library is a comprehensive resource for those looking to diversify their pedagogical style by utilising game-based learning in […]

  • The International Students’ Experience Survey

    Are you an international graduate student interested in sharing your experiences with the International Student Advocacy Project? If so, here’s the link to the International Students’ Experience Survey. Further information from the survey: “International graduate students, compared to their domestic counterparts, experience multiple additional barriers to success that cut or significantly limit their access to vital resources […]

  • A New Chapter

    A New Chapter

    After seven wonderful years at the Futures Initiative and HASTAC, it is with both sadness and excitement that I announce that I will be leaving the Graduate Center in September. Working at CUNY since 2014, when the Futures Initiative was just taking shape, has been an incredible privilege. I have learned so much from each […]

  • Bringing the territory into the discussion: how to work towards a situated university?

    “We advance towards the struggle secure in the reality of our land (with our feet planted on the ground).” Amilcar Cabral Why do I think it is important to bring territory to the discussion around the role of the university and the debates around its transformation? I consider the effort to build a situated university […]